About me

A warm welcome to MW Keramik!

Creative, curious and with an eye for detail. That's how you could describe me, Matilda Nilsson, who is behind MW Keramik. Here I tell you a little more about how it all started.


For as long as I can remember, creation has played a central role in my life. As a child, I liked to paint a lot and quite early on I opened my eyes to all the fun things you could do with a sewing machine. Among other things, there were clothes for myself as well as for the dolls, blankets with patch technique and leather bags.

In my teens, I learned more about cutting and coloring hair as well as make-up and skin care. Here, too, I got an outlet for my creative side. It resulted in many assignments, not least when the student and prom were approaching.

As an adult, my partner and I have built houses and then creativity has revolved around floor plans, interior design and design. Both to buy in designs that other creators are behind - but also to sketch and create your own furniture and interior details.


Some time ago I got a private lesson in turning. At first it was just a fun thing to try out, but after this a dream slowly began to take shape. A dream of one day becoming a ceramicist. Never in my wildest imagination could I have believed that a year later I would have my own ceramics business!

"A dream of one day becoming a ceramist myself"

I have worked as a nurse all my adult life, a job I enjoyed. Helping others and clearly seeing results that improve people's health and well-being in different ways is stimulating. But even though I love the job, I have chosen to put it on pause and focus entirely on ceramics.


On my parents' farm in the small coastal village of Pålänge, Kalix, there is a barn. This is where I do my business. The farm is one of the village's very first, dating back to the 17th century. In the small barn, among other things, my grandmother had two mountain cows and chickens when I was a child.

Now we have carefully renovated the premises and created a beautiful turning studio. My grandmother is no longer alive, but some of her chickens actually do. They live inside the turning studio. Next to the farm is a larger farm, in summer the dairy cows graze just outside the filming studio.

"In the middle of the animals, I sit during the day and create ceramics"

This is how, in the middle of the animals, I sit during the day and create ceramics, an ancient craft for which I have great respect.

I am aware that I have much, much more to learn. As many experienced ceramicists say, you never become a complete expert. That knowledge makes the profession as a ceramicist extra motivating and exciting. For me, a dream has come true and it feels like I've found home.


My collections are named after Kalixbondska, or Kalixmålet, a folk dialect spoken in Kalix municipality. I do it in honor of my home municipality at the same time as the peasant woman, just like the ceramics, has a long history. In my creation, I strive for a timeless design. Old meets new.

Thank you for visiting my webshop - I hope you find something you like. If you have questions or want to visit me in the spinning studio, please contact me at mwkeramik@gmail.com.

Kind regards from Pålänge,